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관람 및 요금안내
  • 관람 및 요금안내
  • Viewing and Inquiries +82-54-748-5002
  • Information about how to locate Daldongnae of Olden Times
  • Information about fees and amenities
Information about Viewing and Fees
 Opening hours (by season) Spring, summer, and fall: 08:30-21:00 / Winter: 08:30-19:00 / Admission is allowed up to one hour before closing time.  / Notice - You are not allowed to smoke or bring food into the museum. If you touch exhibitions or destroy facilities, you will be responsible for compensation for damage. Pets are not allowed. Attention should be paid to safety accidents so as not to slip on an incline or stairs. Please help our staff prevent forest fires. Please follow these above rules keeping in mind that this is where our precious folk culture heritage is preserved and displayed. It is inconvenient to use a wheelchair or a baby carriage because the Modern History Museum of Daldongnae of Olden Times is located on a slope. We will make an effort to improve the access.